Monday, October 5, 2009

We're almost there...

Sorry posting has been so intermittent over here, I always have good intentions but lately I feel like all my time is being consumed by other things. The wedding is quickly approaching, a little more than 4 weeks to go! The big tasks are done for the most part and now it's all about the little details.

I have moments when I feel like everything is coming together really nicely and other moments where I panic and am overcome with anxiety thinking it will never be what I envisioned it to be. Which is actually pretty funny when you think about all the details you agonize over like which wine glass to use or which plate or chair looks better and it's completely lost on your guests. They come to see you get married, to dance, to eat, and to have a good time and when it's all said and done you probably won't even remember which plate or chair you decided to go with either...all you will remember is how happy you were in that moment, how nice it was to have all your family and friends in one place celebrating such a momentous occasion, and how much fun it was laughing and dancing and crying together for the first time, as man and wife...

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